Dealing with substance abuse problems is a collaboration between the workplaces and occupational healthcare

Problems stemming from substance abuse pose various challenges for both employees and workplaces. Problematic use of substances causes mood and anxiety disorders, impairs work and functional capacity, and increases the risk of serious diseases if used long-term. From a workplace perspective, problematic use of substances increases the number of sick leaves and the risk of invalidity pension. The most effective way to tackle substance abuse problems, as with many other diseases, is to prevent the problem from developing in the first place and intervene early to prevent harmful use.

Pihlajalinna’s occupational healthcare provides support to organisations in dealing with substance abuse problems at both individual and organisational level.

– The main responsibility in addressing work capacity challenges lies within the workplace, where problems often emerge early. However, occupational healthcare also plays a key role in the prevention, detection and treatment of substance abuse problems among working age population. The prevention and treatment of substance abuse problems is part of a comprehensive support and assessment of work capacity among employees, which is carried out in collaboration with the workplaces, says Henni Hyytiä-Ilmonen, Chief Occupational Health Physician at Pihlajalinna.

Pihlajalinna’s occupational healthcare has developed a substance abuse treatment pathway that aims to detect substance abuse problems early before they negatively affect work capacity and health, and initiate necessaryguidance, treatment and monitoring. Alcohol and substance abuse is considered a part of the process in assessingand monitoring employees in their work capacity and wellbeing. Occupational healthcare supports workplaces in developing a substance abuse programme and policies that prevent the problems caused by substance abuse. If necessary, occupational healthcare also provides support to the work community and managers on various substance abuse related issues.

The occupational healthcare nurses play a key role in Pihlajalinna’s substance abuse treatment pathway. The occupational healthcare nurses regularly ask questions about substance abuse during appointments, but the person themselves or the employer can also report any suspected cases of substance abuse to the occupational healthcare. If necessary, the person will receive a treatment referral agreement on the basis of an assessment as per the substance abuse programme. The occupational healthcare nurse will also ensure that the client’s treatment relationship is not interrupted. The nurse monitors the implementation of the treatment referral and will stay in touch with the employee and, if necessary, the employer. This will ensure that the agreed treatment referral will happen and the employee will stay in the rehabilitation process.

In case you would like to discuss cooperation on substance abuse related issues with the occupational healthcare, feel free to contact your designated occupational healthcare nurse.


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