Do you know how to utilise your occupational health team’s psychologist?

Published 18 August 2023

All of Pihlajalinna’s organisational customers have a dedicated multi-professional team including an occupational psychologist.


An occupational psychologist is a specialist on psychosocial matters, in other words, on questions impacting the wellbeing of the mind. The questions may be related to interaction in the work community; improving the flow of work processes; memory load; promoting conceptual clarity, and recovering from work-related stress. Even questions related to identifying the strengths of employees of various ages, the benefits of various management methods or processing phases that have burdened the work community are issues that could potentially be processed with the psychologist in your occupational health team.


An occupational psychologist can come and evaluate the psychosocial conditions at work, for example, as part of a workplace survey. They can also participate in the planning of the following year’s action plan. Or they could help the supervisor think in problem situations, just as a pilot helps a ship’s captain when the shipping lane is particularly difficult to navigate.


A team’s occupational psychologist supports the entire work community in multisectoral processes with multiple phases. You can contact the occupational psychologist in your occupational health team through your appointed occupational health nurse.


Susanna Paarlahti, Service Manager, Occupational Health Psychology



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